FREE 7 - 9pm FILM SCREENING “Backstreet to the American Dream”

 — (PST, UTC-08) — (PST, UTC-08)

Japanese American national Museum, 100 N. Central Avenur, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Backstreet to the American dream is a modern look at the classic American Dream through the quintessential 21st-century entrepreneurial endeavor, the food truck. This film looks at all different points of view of this $2 billion industry of which Los Angeles is its birthplace. In the middle there’s an animated short about the origins of the food truck it’s a light humoristic poke at history, and Martin Espino composed all the music, and provided cultural/historical advice to the Director and the Animator. Martin even provided Voiceovers for the character of,Hernan Cortes. This film has won many awards all over the world since its release.